Take Five to Give
It breaks my heart, others' hearts and especially God's heart, when Giving to God becomes a subject of debate and confusion among His children, when in fact, it shouldn't be. There are more reasons to give to the Lord, but I only want to share five things why we should.
Giving to the Lord is a sign of:
- Obedience - it's a command and not an option (Malachi 3:10)
- Trust – you have doubts that when you give, you will lack because God might not give it back to you during the time you will need it most. If you trust Him, He will not fail you and you won’t be lacking anything.
- Gratefulness - be grateful for what God has given us. What is 10% of our income compared to 100% salvation that God gave us when He died on the cross? Be grateful for that.
- Worship - part of our worship to Him; not just singing; we give in awe of God. We offer a part of us, our finances. It may be costly, but let us be like David who said, “I will not offer anything to the Lord which costs me nothing.”
- Love - above all, we love because He first loved us; we give because He first gave. And out of the abundance of our love for the Giver of Life, of everything, it overflows through our giving. You don't easily give to a person you don't know, do you? But you give, if possible everything, to the one you love.
If you were in this church for a long time now, you would see how miraculously God has changed the hearts of many in the grace of giving. Seeing the projects of this church like Project Bagyo, Project 3D, Care Channels and the latest, planting church in the Philippines, is like something impossible to be seen in the past years in the history of SATMICC. But because God has opened the hearts of His children to give out of their obedience, trust, gratefulness, worship and love for the Lord, we have all witnessed how God has abundantly blessed this church and those who are faithful tithers and givers.
God sees everything and He can see your heart right now. If you need something from God, you need to let go of something also. And if that's letting go of just how many Riyals, why not do it? And see if God will not open the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessings on you and your family, that you will not have room enough for it.
Be grateful for what the Father has given you. Spend money as He would spend it. Be generous as God is generous. God loves a cheerful giver because He is a cheerful giver. -Max Lucado
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